Your iPhone isn’t switching On! Here’s How to Fix It?

The iPhone is not switching on is the most common issue which can happen to your smartphone. When you hold the power button to switch on your iPhone and you will see nothing on the screen as it remains black. You’ll see that the iPhone doesn’t respond or even shows the Apple logo and turns it off immediately. We hope that you’ll never face this issue with your iPhone. In case, if you’re reading this blog, you can know the actions that can be performed by you to recover your iPhone. 

If your iPhone stops working suddenly because of water damage or badly dropped in the water, then you may take it to an iPhone repair service centre.  

Here we can explain the reasons and how to fix your iPhone if it’s not turning On:

The most common reasons that everyone will face with their iPhone are:

  • The software is crashed or corrupted
  • Hardware problem
  • The battery needs to be recharged


If your iPhone has a problem with the software, first you have to reset the software with a forced restart. If in case, forced restart fails, then the software has to be completely restored back to a default factory settings. 


While switching On your iPhone, if you can see anything on the screen, then there is an issue with the battery power. Even a black screen doesn’t mean that the iPhone is off or the battery has no charge. It can also mean that it might be crashed due to software.   


If the problem is with your hardware and it is causing your iPhone not to recharge, you need to diagnose your device through various checks to get your iPhone to a normal condition & work again.    

What should you do when your iPhone isn’t switching On?

It is better to follow a few tips which we have described below. 

Force a Restart:

If you find a black screen in your iPhone and if it’s not switching On normally, then Apple recommends to try a forced restart. 

Here are some important points which you can do while restarting your iPhone model:

  • Press the volume up button and then immediately release it. 
  • Press the volume down button and then immediately release it. 
  • Press and hold the side button until you see the Apple logo on the screen. 

After following these steps to force a restart and still your iPhone is not working. Then the next thing to do is to check the battery power available and to see whether your iPhone is recharging properly or not.  

Solve the battery issue:

If your iPhone is still not switching on after a forced restart and that means the battery needs a charge. If the battery is completely dead and you cannot see anything on the screen. 

Check the connections like charging port, cable, and power adapter instead of replacing an iPhone battery. Also, remember, it’s the software, not the battery which decides if the battery should be charged or not. 

Again here are few more steps to ensure that your iPhone is properly connected to a power source and if it is able to get the power needed to recharge it:

  • Recharge or boost your iPhone’s battery
  • Ensure that the cable is connected properly to a power source
  • Insert cleaning the charging power on an iPhone
  • Use a quality connection cable
  • Check your USB jack

Back-up the data:

If a forced restart or fixing charging problems can help your iPhone to start up again , it is a best idea to do a backup of your iPhone’s data. Apple gives instructions about how you can back up an iPhone to a computer or to the iCloud. You have to backup your data to use if a software corruption causes your iPhone to crash again. 

Hardware Problems:

Here are some other hardware problems which your iPhone may not switch on. 

  • Display not working:

The most common hardware problems are if your display is not working properly. You can easily check this problem by connecting to your iphone into a computer and then getting to iTunes to see if the system can recognize your iPhone through the iTunes interface. By using this procedure, the computer’s display will substitute for the iPhone’s display. 

  • Liquid Damage:

Your iPhone may be seriously damaged by coming into contact with water or liquids. Apple has created a visible liquid contact indicator by keeping the water damage issue in mind and this feature can be seen by anyone if the iPhone has been in contact with water or a liquid. Normally, displays like LCD or LED are very sensitive and not water resistant. Whenever an iPhone comes into contact with water or a liquid, the display turns bright red. In case if your display is red, then your iPhone has a serious problem.

Also, Apple warranty will not cover this kind of physical damage, so you have to visit an iPhone repair centre near you or you may need to buy a new iPhone.  

Reset your iPhone to default factory settings:

If you tried all the possible ways to turn your iPhone and still your iPhone is not switching on, then this is the last thing you can try. If you can, back up your iPhone first. 

Device Firmware Update 

And this deep restore method is called a device firmware update. This procedure comes from a former Apple technician who performs it hundreds of times to bring an iPhone back to life when all other attempts have failed. 

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