8 Dos and Don’ts to Save Your Phone From Water Damage

Phone From Water Damage

We are all in the habit of taking our gadgets everywhere we go. People today cannot even imagine living without a digital presence around them. Getting bored at a party, take out your phone and text people. Or, if you are travelling to a great distance, binge-watch a show on your mobile. This over-dependence on our phones has made us reckless. We carry it even to places we know it’s not safe for them – like a bathroom or swimming pool. Imagine you drop it into the water or accidentally get water in your phone during a holi party. Now what? Let’s look at a few steps to do and some to avoid to save your phone from water damage.  

Don’ts: What We Shouldn’t Do

  1. Do Not Use a Hairdryer 

After taking out the phone from the water, your first instinct would be to dry it out. Various sources say that to dry it faster; you should use a hairdryer. It would be best to ignore these sources and never use a hairdryer or any heating objects on your phone. Like every other machine, even your phone has a minimum and maximum temperature it can withstand; beyond that, it will get damaged. The heat from the hairdryer is too hot for the fragile parts inside the phone. Your phone can ideally only handle a maximum temperature of 113ºF. The average temperature of a hair dryer is 110ºF. You will only cause more harm to your phone while trying to dry it.

  1. Do Not Put Your Phone in Rice 

Contrary to what most people believe, putting your phone in rice does not work. It may have worked at one point in time when most parts of the phone were removable, like the battery and back cover. Rice does have water-absorbing properties, which could have helped dry the phones until a few years back. Nowadays, since the phones produced have very few removable parts and smaller crevices from which the water can exit. The smartphones are assembled so they can only be appropriately opened when taken to a service centre. So please do not put your phone in rice, to save your phone from water damage as it will only slow the drying process.

  1. Do Not Switch It on Immediately 

A phone is a machine, and hence electric circuits run through it. When your phone falls into the water, it may get switched off. Do not try switching it on immediately after taking it out of the water. This is to avoid any electrical short circuit that may happen due to using it when wet. There may be a risk of damaging it permanently and burning the mobile internally. It would help if you switched it on only after it completely dried from within to save the phone from water damage.

  1. Don’t Try to Charge It 

Some people try to charge their phone when it does not switch on after taking it out of the water. This is very dangerous not just for the mobile but also for the individual. If the mobile is still wet and you connect your charger to it, there are chances that the phone may get overheated, and the battery may burst. At the same time, do not try to put any keys or wires to take out the water from the tiny holes in the phone. You may give more space for the water to seep in deeper. 

Dos: What You Should Actually Be Doing

  1. Switch It Off Immediately

Sometimes the phone does not automatically switch off even after it falls in the water. Switching it off immediately will stop its processing systems, and it will not get heated. If it starts heating up, there will be chances of a short circuit happening. 

  1. Pat Dry Using a Towel

After you have switched off the phone, the next step is to dry it properly. Just wipe the water using a towel or any cloth. Be gentle with it, wrap the towel around the phone, and hold it for a few seconds. This will allow the fabric to absorb the excess moisture. Try to shake the phone sideways and then up and down. This will remove whatever water was stuck in the charging and earphone ports. Please do not be too aggressive while shaking the phone, as it may work to your disadvantage; the water may seep into the otherwise-dry parts. After this, leave the phone to air dry in a ventilated room.

  1. Remove Whatever Is Possible

You can remove the cover, SIM, memory card or other accessories attached to the phone. This way, the water will seep out of these parts, and the phone will dry faster. You can also pat dry these extra accessories to remove water from them. The SIM and memory card will dry up faster, and you can use them to back up any stored data. You can even use the SIM card on another phone till yours dries up completely to alter the effects in your phone from water damage.

  1. Wait Before Switching It on

It is ideal to wait for at least 24 – 48 hours before trying to switch on the phone. Still, ensure the phone has completely dried before attempting to switch it on. Shake it gently from time to time to ensure all the water has been removed. 

Wrapping Up

While you may follow all these steps thoroughly, there still may be a chance that your phone may have got damaged and needs expert care. You should contact your phone company or visit a nearby mobile repair shop, please residing in New Zealand might get in touch with Technofix. They would be able to properly dismantle the phone and dry out the parts while also finding out the extent of the damage.

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