4 Apps that will change you day | Technofix

1.iShows TV (App link Here)


Tv show management never been easier than this
Ishows helps to add our shows & the plot of our favourite series cast and crew and synopsis of the episode make it much easier to rewatch the episode without spending endless rewind and forward. Easy and simple UI makes this App huge favorite among the crowd. Also this comes with a calendar views with helps in showing the dates which the episode was hired / will be hired.

2.Noizo (App link here)

The Noizo helps in relaxing so that you become calm and composed in turn helps you in better productivity. Noizo helps it setting proper environment which you would like ranging from soothing october rains to coffee house to thunderstorm they’ve got you covered.Please give it a try.

Have to say october rain is our favorite.

3.Pacifica (App link here)


Pacifica app aims to make you feel better leaving all your stress, anxiety,This app has lot to offer right from setting up the overall goals such as ‘Feel Happier’ ‘Think positively’ build confidence ”Live healthier’ ‘better social interaction’ decrease anxiety’’

It asks ‘how you are feeling now’ suddenly once everyday so it tracks the data overtime and shows charts addressing the amount of stress you go through ]. by this you can get an idea how you spend how happy you are.
It also suggests certain easy tasks to help you getting better like quick 2 min breathing tips etc.

It also has a community where you can interact and share ideas with people.

4.Strides (App link here)


Drinking 4 litres per day ? Cut Sugar intake by half?

This has you covered this helps you Track all your Goals & Habits in one flexible free app. It also has a option to remind you to read book ( Finally you can read that book which you’ve kept in cupboard long back). Above all this the app is super user friendly and seamless and it is a must have.

If you have suggestion may be an another app that you think will be helpful then please comment below.

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